Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Lazy Me:Inertia and Trail Report


[in-ur-shuh, ih-nur-] Show IPA
inertness, especially with regard to effort, motion, action, and the like; inactivity; sluggishness.
the property of matter by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a straight line so long as it is not acted upon by an external force.
an analogous property of a force: electric inertia.
Synonyms: torpor, inaction, laziness
I've fallen victim of the tendency for a body at rest to remain at rest. I keep making plans to get on the bike "tomorrow", then tomorrow shows up wrapped in a cold, gray, wet toga and my initiative oozes on down the gutter with the slowly melting snow.
Oh, yeah, Happy New Year!!
I could have gone boating this morning. The Cossatot River is up to a respectable level for the first time in months, though it is dropping fast. I could have, but we slept late, it's cold, and I had no enthusiasm for the 3 hour drive. My dry suit would have kept me cozy even on this 38 degree morning, but.......inertia is all over me like a lead blanket.
If things brighten up just a little I do resolve to get out on my bike and check out the state of the River Trail, but until that time, I'll rely on this report from Jeff Caplinger of the NLR Parks and Rec Department:
ARKANSAS RIVER TRAIL - After the snow event last week, our crew has cleared the trail of major obstacles (trees, limbs, branches, etc.) making the ART passable.  There are some hindrances (branches and twigs) on the ground and hanging from trees and many of them have now been marked with flagging tape to help draw your attention to them.
ISABELLA JO TRAIL - After the snow event last week, our crew has cleared the trail of major obstacles (trees, limbs, branches, etc.) making the trail passable.  There are some hindrances (branches and twigs) on the ground and hanging from trees and many of them have now been marked with flagging tape to help draw your attention to them.
NORTH SHORE TRAIL - After the snow event last week, our crew has cleared the trail of major obstacles (trees, limbs, branches, etc.) making the trail passable.  There are some hindrances (branches and twigs) on the ground and hanging from trees and many of them have now been marked with flagging tape to help draw your attention to them.
SOCCER COMPLEX TRAILS - After the snow event last week, our crew has cleared the trail of major obstacles (trees, limbs, branches, etc.) making the trail passable.  There are some hindrances (branches and twigs) on the ground and hanging from trees and many of them have now been marked with flagging tape to help draw your attention to them.
EMERALD PARK / HIGHLAND TRAIL - to be updated later today
UNPAVED and NATURAL SURFACE TRAILS - These trails have many obstacles (trees, limbs, branches, etc.) due to the snow event last week.  These trails will take a while to get cleared and made passable - do not attempt to move, cut, etc. any obstacle - we have a crew that will take care of these once the snow melts and the ground is drier.  Hikers should be able to move around the obstacles but will require more effort for horses and bikers.  Look ahead and look up.
Update 2:
EMERALD PARK - HIGHLAND TRAIL - The section by the eastern overlook (Martha Smith Overlook) has been paved and the full trail is open for use.  However, after the snow event of last week there are a few trees blocking the trail and many branches and limbs on and over the trail (thanks to James B for giving me a heads-up).  We will get the trees moved off the trail as soon as our schedule allows and then come back later and do a more detailed removal of the branches, etc.

1 comment:

Steve S said...

I rode the Emerald Park trail on New Years morning. You need to walk around 3 downed trees, but there is no ice on the trail itself.