Sunday, April 12, 2009

Along the River Trail

NLR is on it!:

The City of North Little Rock once again showed that it values the River Trail and its patrons. I noticed that an asphalt repair in the trail near the new restrooms at Victory Lake (ski area) had collapsed, leaving a hazardous hole. I dropped a note regarding the situation to Alderman Charlie Height on Monday, who forwarded the information to the proper department. It was repaired by Wednesday. Thanks, folks!

New blacktop:

The new path linking the Campbell Lake Trail to the NorthShore Business Park appears ready for paving and the turnaround loop at the NLR foot of the BDB is complete, allowing traffic at the base of the bridge to merge and disperse more safely.

The Dirtwork:

I stopped by today to read the permit information on the area near Cook's Landing that has been recently cleared, leveled and bermed. It states that it is the NLR Hydro Plant Dredged Materials Site or something to that effect. I assume it will replace the recently cleaned up area along the trail where the logs, sand, debris, etc., had been dumped after being dredged from in front of the hydro plant. In any event, it's not a sewer lagoon.

The Pipeline: CORRECTION!!!

The pipeline being laid by Cook's Landing is a drain from the dredge spoil area back to the river.

That's about all that I know. Friend Heather and I met Saturday for a 70+ mile ride out west of town, the Log Cabin Ride. I'll write up the route sometime because it's a good one! It was my longest ride of the season thus far, a beautiful route and a bunch of hills! I'm glad we got it in because my usual Sunday ride is a wash-out. I'm ready for some warm and sunny days!

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