Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Emerald Park Trail Construction

I've received several inquiries about the temporary closure of the Emerald Park trail and the construction going on there. It is to facilitate a paved link from Emerald Park to the overlook area at the east end of Fort Roots.

From Kate Finefield, NLR Parks ranger:

Here is the official word from the Parks Director:

" The Emerald Park trial from the east end where the asphalt ends to the Martha Smith Overlook where the asphalt begins will be closed for the next two to three months depending on weather.  Another grant was received from the state highway department to pave the trail. The trail will be called the Highland Trail.  Most of the trail is being rerouted to make it ADA accessible. The old trail bed will be available when completed for off road bicycles and hikers. 

Also later this fall work will be done on the River Trail and some of the off shoot trails on the North Little Rock side of the river.  Most of the areas impacted are where tree roots and erosion are causing asphalt failure. Their will be intermittent closures of sections of the trail.  We will do our best to keep you notified of such closure via email and signage.  Please pass along the information to your club members, customers and friends. 


Chad said...

I wonder if there is anyway they would let us build some (more) single track up there?

JBar said...

I would direct that to Bob Rhoads, NLR Parks Director. Bob is a good guy and and avid road cyclist.

Bob W. Rhoads, Director
NLR Parks and Recreation
501-791-8538, Fax 791-8528