Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Winners On Stage 4: Tony Martin and Matt Milner

Matt Milner had winning rider Tony Martin, who soloed for a stage win and the yellow jersey, while Matt scored an impressive 424 points on the day and will collect a $15.00 gift card from Ozark Outdoor Supply
The success of the minileague has made this a big clerical job, but it is fun talking to folks on rides and around the bike community who have taken an interest. I'm not sure who half the team owners are, so it's also interesting to actually find out who is playing.

The Tour has been exciting, but I have not liked some of the outcomes. Tony Martin racing into yellow was great, but for some reason, watching Greipel winning sprints just pisses me off. Peter Sagan is not on my team ( my bad), but he is racing very well and working for his team. It seems that he has been around for a long time, so his white jersey is a reminder that he is still just 24-years old.

I'm still trying to find time to lay out most of the rest of the prize points.We'll have prizes for the top 3 finishers and, of course, the lanterne rouge for sure, along with quite a few more scattered throughout the Tour.
We will not discuss stage 5 in this space.

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