The bids for the much-awaited bridge to Two Rivers Park will be taken on November 19. This is fantastic news for the Central Arkansas cycling community!!
From the published bid request:
Pulaski County, Arkansas will receive sealed bids at the Pulaski County Purchasing Office at 201 South
Broadway, 4th Floor, Suite 401, Little Rock, AR, 72201 for Little Maumelle River Pedestrian / Bicycle Bridge,
Bid #09-A-012, until 2:00 P.M., on the 19th of November 2009 at which time and place all bids will be publicly
opened and read aloud.
The construction will consist of approximately the following:
Building a 1,162 foot long pedestrian/bicycle bridge over the Little Maumelle River. The bridge
superstructure will consist of cast in place concrete decks on five 50’ and six 100’ simple prestressed
concrete girder spans, and one 210’ prefabricated structural steel truss span for navigation. The minimum
navigational clearance in 39’-10”. The substructure will consist of cast in place concrete abutments founded
on driven steel piles and single column hammer head type piers founded on single column drilled shafts.
Other items of work include modification of existing trails and construction of new trails for bridge
approaches, modifications to River Mountain Road and parking area, installation of bridge and navigation
lighting and associated electrical work, installation of clearance gauges, and permanent signing and striping.